The Conway County Library provides public access to computers and to the Internet as part of its mission to “provide information, materials, and services to stimulate ideas, advance knowledge, and enhance the quality of life for all members of the community.”

All electronic resources users must agree to the terms of the Library’s Computer and Internet Access Policy and, in accordance with Arkansas State Code 13-2-103(a)(3), must sign a computer-use agreement form prior to use of any Library computer equipment. By continued use of the Library’s computer services, users agree to continue to be bound by the specifications of this policy.



  • Any adult who has their own current library card in good standing and has signed a Computer and Internet Use Agreement will be allowed to use the Library’s electronic resources.
  • Persons 5 to 18 years of age must have their own current library card in good standing and have signed a Computer and Internet Use Agreement themselves, and had the agreement signed by a parent/legal guardian, to be allowed to use the Library’s electronic resources. Restriction of a minor’s access to the Internet is solely the responsibility of the parent/legal guardian.


  • Computer use is normally on a first come-first served basis. USE IS LIMITED TO ONE SESSION PER DAY PER PATRON, WITH A MAXIMUM OF ONE HOUR OF USE, DEPENDING UPON DEMAND. Library patrons may reserve a computer while in the library or by phone by supplying their own current library card number. When necessary, library staff will use advance scheduling, time limitations, and/or priority allocations to ensure that computers are used first and foremost for educational purposes.
  • All electronic resources must be used in a responsible manner, consistent with the educational and informational purposes for which they are provided. Users will not disrupt or monitor other persons
    using electronic resources and no more than two persons at each computer workstation.
  • Misuse of or tampering in any way with Library hardware or software is strictly prohibited.
  • Use or installation of personal software or hardware is prohibited.


The Internet is a global entity, and an unregulated medium. The Library has no control over its content and is not responsible for the accuracy or sources of its information. Please be aware that some information may be biased, outdated, or incorrect. The availability of such information does not constitute endorsement of the content by the Library. Users should critically evaluate all information found on the Internet.

Some Internet sites may contain controversial, disturbing or individually offensive material. The Library will not censor or protect users from such information. Library patrons must use the Internet at their own discretion. Access, use, or dissemination of information via the Internet in the Library is the responsibility of the user. In the case of minors, it is the joint responsibility of the user and the parent/legal guardian. As with all Library services, only parents/legal guardians may restrict their children, and only their own children, from access to the Internet or other Library materials.

Parents are advised to closely monitor and supervise their children’s Internet use.

Internet Use

  • Use of chat rooms, news or discussion groups, or use of library computers for commercial purposes is prohibited.
  • Displaying, sending or receiving material inappropriate for viewing in a public place is strictly prohibited, in accordance with Arkansas Code 5-68-205. Inappropriate material is defined as pictures or text which could reasonably be construed as obscene or pornographic, as defined by Arkansas State Code 5-68-302.
  • The Library reserves the right to monitor use of its electronic resources to the point of ensuring compliance with Arkansas state law, and to end any Internet session that results in violation of the Arkansas State Code, or in disruption or inappropriate behavior.
  • A person using another’s library card to gain access to the computers may be asked to discontinue his or her computer session and may be temporarily banned from using the Library’s computer resources.

Wireless Internet Policy

The Conway County Library offers free wireless Internet access to patrons with an electronic device. By
choosing to use the library’s wireless service, you must agree to abide by the library’s Internet policy.

What you will need:

  • An electronic device with a wireless interface card (NIC).
  • Headphones if using sound.

Before you connect:

  • Printing services are not available through the wireless network. You must provide your
    own printing device.
  • Be aware that a wireless connection is not a secure connection.
  • Please note that the library staff cannot assist you with your laptop or configuration. The Conway County
    Library will not be responsible for any personal information (e.g. credit card) that is compromised, or for any damage caused to your hardware or software due to electrical surges, security issues or consequences caused by viruses or other threats from the Internet. All wireless access users should have up-to-date virus protection on their personal laptop computers or wireless devices.
  • Never leave a laptop or any other equipment unattended within the library.
  • Library may monitor laptop users for content. Displaying, sending or receiving material inappropriate for
    viewing in a public place is strictly prohibited, in accordance with Ark. Code Ann. § 5-68-205.
  • Internet policies/procedures are subject to update and/or change at any time without notice for
    technology/and or legal issues.

The Conway County Library assumes no responsibility for damage, theft, or loss of any kind to a user’s equipment, software, data files or other personal property brought into or used at the Library’s facilities.